近五年 通讯及第一作者论文
1.Dai, S., Guo, J., Liu, W., Liu, J., Ding, X., Quan, Q., & Tan, Y*. (2024). Labyrinthulomycetes thrives in organic matter-rich waters with ecological partitioning in the Pearl River Estuary. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, e02075-23.
2.Lai, Y., Tan, Y*., Ke, Z., Zhou, L., Liu, J., Zhang, H., ... & Lian, X. (2024). Size-dependent zoogeographical distribution of gelatinous thaliaceans associated with current velocity and temperature. Science of The Total Environment, 170943.
3.Linbin Zhou, Fengjie Liu, Eric P. Achterberg, Anja Engel, Peter G.C. Campbell, Claude Fortin, Liangmin Huang, Yehui Tan. 2024. Promoting effects of aluminum addition on chlorophyll biosynthesis and growth of two cultured iron-limited marine diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography, doi: 10.1002/lno.12558.
4.Ding X, Liu J, Liu W, Dai S, Ke Z, Guo J, Lai Y, Tan Y* (2023) Phytoplankton Communities Miniaturization Driven by Extreme Weather in Subtropical Estuary under Climate Changes. Water Research 245: 120588
5.Jiaxing Liu, Xiang Ding, Linbin Zhou, Weiwei Liu, Yanjiao Lai, Zhixin Ke, Yehui Tan* (2023) Dissolved organic phosphorus promotes Cyclotella growth and adaptability in eutrophic tropical estuaries. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 10.1128/aem.01637-23
6.Liu J, Zhang H, Ding X, Zhou L, Ke Z, Li J, Tan Y* (2023) Nitrogen fixation under the interaction of Kuroshio and upwelling in the northeastern South China Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers: 104147
7.谭烨辉, 赖艳娇, 连喜平, 刘甲星, 柯志新, 李开枝.(2023),浮游胶质被囊动物暴发机制及海洋碳泵效,热带海洋学报42(5): 178–193.
8.周林滨*, 黄良民, 谭烨辉*. 2023. 铁铝假说与海洋铝施肥增汇潜力展望. 热带海洋学报42(3): 1-18.
9.Linbin Zhou*, Fengjie Liu, Qingxia Liu, Claude Fortin, Yehui Tan*, Liangmin Huang, Peter G. C. Campbell. 2021. Aluminum increases net carbon fixation by marine diatoms and decreases their decomposition: Evidence for the iron–aluminum hypothesis. Limnology and Oceanography 66(7): 2712-2727.
10.Linbin Zhou; Yehui Tan*; Liangmin Huang* ; (2023,)Coral reef ecological pump for gathering and retaining nutrients and exporting carbon: a review and perspectives, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 42(6): 1-15
11.Ding, X., Liu, J., Zhang, H., Ke, Z., Li, J., Liu, W., Tan Y*. (2022). Phytoplankton community patterns in the northeastern South China Sea: Implications of intensified Kuroshio intrusion during the 2015/16 El Niño. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC017998.
https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JC01799812.Jingjing Zhao , Huangchen Zhang , Jiaxing Liu, Zhixin Ke, Chenhui Xiang, Liming Zhang , Kaizhi Li,Yanjiao Lai, Xiang Ding, Yehui Tan*.Role of jellyfish in mesozooplankton community stability in a subtropical bay under the long-term impacts of temperature changes,Sci. Total. Environ,849 (2022) 157627(一区Top ,IF= 10.75)
13.Zhixin Ke,Ruofei Li,Danting Chen,Chunyu Zhao,Yehui Tan* Spatial and seasonal variations in the stable isotope values and trophic positions of dominant zooplankton groups in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Front. Mar. Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.900372
14.Zhixin Ke, Ruofei Li, Danting Chen, Yehui Tan*. Spatial distributions of zooplankton stable isotopes and their trophic positions in a bay under serious anthropogenic influences: Daya Bay, China. Ecological Indicators 139 (2022) 108950.
15.Linbin Zhou*,Fengjie Liu,Qingxia Liu,,Claude Fortin,,Yehui Tan*,Liangmin Huang,,Peter G. C. Campbell,Aluminum increases net carbon fixation by marine diatoms and decreases their decomposition: Evidence for the iron–aluminum hypothesis,Limnol. Oceanogr. 9999, 2021, 1–16.
16.Chenhui Xiang, Zhixin Ke, Kaizhi Li,Jiaxing Liu, Linbin Zhou, Xiping Lian,Yehui Tan*, Effects of terrestrial inputs and seawater intrusion on zooplankton community structure in Daya Bay, South China Sea,Marine Pollution Bulletin,2021,167:11233
17.Weiwei Liu, George B. McManus, Xiaofeng Lin, Honghui Huang, Wenjing Zhang and Yehui Tan*, Distribution Patterns of Ciliate Diversity in the South China Sea, Frontiers in Microbiology,2021, 689688
18.Huangchen Zhang, Linbin Zhou, Kaizhi Li, Zhixin Ke and Yehui Tan*.(2021)Decreasing Biological Production and Carbon Export Due to the Barrier Layer: A Case Study in the Bay of Bengal, Frontiers in Marine science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.710051
19.Xi Yang, Yehui Tan*, Kaizhi Li, Huangchen Zhang, Jiaxing Liu, Chenhui Xiang, Long-term changes in summer phytoplankton communities and their influencing factors in Daya Bay, China (1991–2017), Marine Pollution Bulletin 2020, 161 , 111694.
20.Jiaxing Liu, Linbin Zhou, Jiajun Li, Yuyang Lin, Zhixin Ke, Chunyu Zhao,
Huajian Liu, Xin Jiang, Yinghui He , Yehui Tan*, Effect of mesoscale eddies on diazotroph community structure and nitrogen fixation rates in the South China Sea, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2020,35,101106.
21.Ke ZX, Chen DT, Liu JX, Tan YH*, The effects of anthropogenic nutrient inputs on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in suspended particulate organic matter in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Continental Shelf Research, 2020,208, 104244
22.Liu Weiwei, Shin Marnkyoon, Yi Zhenzhen, Tan Yehui*, Progress in studies on the diversity and distribution of planktonic ciliates (Protista, Ciliophora) in the South China Sea, 10.1007/S42995-020-00070
23. Jiaxing Liu, Linbin Zhou, Zhixin Ke, Gang Li, Yehui Tan*.Phosphorus deficiency induced by aluminum in a marine nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003, Chemosphere, 2020, 246 (2020): 125641
24.Liu Tiantian, Huang Ping, Liu Jiaxing, Ke Zhixin, Tan Yehui*. Utilization of different dissolved organic phosphorus sources by Symbiodinium voratum in vitro[J]. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2019, 95(11): fiz150.
25.Ke, Zhixin, Tan, Yehui*, Huang, Liangmin, Liu, Jiaxing, Xiang, Chenhui, Zhao, Chunyu, and Zhang, Jingping. "Significantly depleted N-15 in suspended particulate organic matter indicating a strong influence of sewage loading in Daya Bay, China." Science of the Total Environment 650, (2019): 759-768.
26.Chenhui Xiang, Yehui Tan*, Huangchen Zhang, Jiaxing Liu,Zhixin K, Gang Li*,The key to dinoflagellate (Noctiluca scintillans) blooming and outcompeting diatoms in winter off Pakistan, northern Arabian Sea,Science of the Total Environment 694 (2019) 133396.